Here is a place for parents and guardians to access information and resources. Here we include:
Cold and flu indicators (signs your child is unwell and needs to stay home and get better).
Links to community services and resources
Information on head lice and what to do.
Reach out to us if there is something you want to add here.

Not Feeling 100%
Things to consider if your child feels unwell:
The wellbeing of your child
Without proper rest, a child may have a hard time fighting an illness or be at risk for other illnesses.
The ability of your child to actively take part and learn at school.
The school staff cannot care for a sick child and give them the support that they may need.
The protection of other children.
Please keep your child home if they:
Have a fever
Are too sick to take part in all normal school activities.
Have a suspected or known communicable disease (i.e. strep throat, chicken pox, measles).
Is vomiting or has diarrhea.
It is recommended that students be symptom free at least 24 hours before returning to school. Keep your child home until they are able to participate fully in normal school activities or as told by a health care provider. Please let the school know your child’s symptoms, as per the school’s call back procedures.
Whether it be through providing licensed childcare services and childcare resources to childcare providers, offering physiotherapy and occupational therapy for young children, or by delivering opportunities for families to connect through Aboriginal family programs or parent education programs, Kootenay Kids Society remains true to its roots, and we continue to support and strengthen families.
Finding balance
Joselin can support you with two kinds of mediation:
Civil mediation – covers virtually every kind of dispute, except for situations where there is abuse and/or conflicts involving children.
Family mediation – covers disagreements within a family including separation, divorce, property and asset division, as well as planning tools including estate planning and cohabitation or marriage agreements.
A compassionate community-based program helping adults living with declining health, social isolation or increased frailty by providing social, emotional, and practical support.
Offering free support for seniors.